This guide will help break down the different reasons that you may see this notification and offer detailed troubleshooting methods to help you resolve the issue.
What Does Account Not Found Mean on TikTok?
When you see the Account Not Found notification on TikTok, this means that either the account has been deleted from the application or that the user has blocked you on the TikTok application. When you are blocked on the TikTok application, you will not be able to view any evidence of the person who has blocked you on the application. This will lead all attempts to find the user’s profile on the application to display the Account Not Found notification. This is the strongest indicator that you have been blocked if you know for a fact that the account still exists on the application.
Why Does It Say Account Not Found?
The next part of this guide will focus on the different reasons that you might be seeing the Account Not Found notification on the TikTok application. This list will cover in detail all of the different causes of this notification as well as offer detailed troubleshooting methods to help you resolve these issues.
1. They Have Blocked You
The most common cause of the Account Not Found notification is that the person whose account you are trying to view has blocked you. When you are blocked on the TikTok application by a user, you will not be able to search for that user or view their account, posts, messages, or comments.
Fix: Ask Them To Unblock You
If you know the person in real life, you could ask them to unblock you to remove the Account Not Found notification from their profile. Depending on the reason that they blocked you, this could be a viable method for getting unblocked.
2. TikTok Is Down
One main reason you could be experiencing issues with your TikTok application is server issues at TikTok. If the servers are down, you will likely experience many issues with connectivity and functionality while using the app, including seeming like you are blocked when you are not. Servers are what enable users to connect and communicate effectively through any type of social media application. Server outages are rare, however, and typically only happened during times of scheduled maintenance. That being said, server overloads are possible and will cause you to not be able to access certain network features and will cause issues when trying to access their accounts properly on the TikTok application. You can check the status of the TikTok servers on the website of their social media accounts. Server outages are a widespread issue that affects many users of the TikTok application at once. You will have to wait for the server issues to be resolved before you will be able to use the TikTok application. You will likely not be able to properly access your account during a server outage due to the application’s inability to gather accurate data that matches your account. This will cause you to not be able to log in or view other people’s accounts properly.
Fix: Wait For Server To Resolve
If the TikTok servers are currently down, the only thing you will be able to do is to wait for the issue to be resolved. TikTok server outages are rare and typically only happen during short periods of required maintenance. That being said, server overloads and crashes are still possible. Keep an eye out on TikTok’s website or social pages for more information regarding any ongoing server outages or scheduled maintenance. You can expect server outages to be resolved within two hours. More severe server issues could cause the downtime to greatly exceed this estimation. For server overloads, the downtime you can expect is around five to six hours. During TikTok server outages, you will likely not be able to access your account or view other people’s profiles properly. Consider using another social media application in the meantime while TikTok works to resolve the server issues.
3. There Is A Glitch
Bugs and glitches are common causes of all sorts of issues on the TikTok application. These types of errors are typically caused by runtime errors or application hang-ups that cause issues with functionality. Bugs and glitches typically occur randomly and resolve themselves on their own, without any action needed from the user. That being said, in some cases bugs and glitches can be persistent and need to be addressed before you will have full functionality of your TikTok application. You should consult the list of troubleshooting methods found later in this guide to help you resolve these types of issues. As previously mentioned, bugs and glitches that are persistent will need to be addressed before you will be able to properly use TikTok and its features. While your TikTok application is experiencing bug-related issues, it is possible that you will not be able to properly add people to your notification list on the app. This can be frustrating, but the troubleshooting methods contained later in this guide can help your resolve these issues.
Fix: Log Out And Log In
Logging in and out of the TikTok application can help encourage the application to resolve any account issues you are facing that could be keeping your account from functioning correctly. Like any application, the TikTok application can get hung up due to bugs and glitches. These could cause your TikTok application to not work correctly. Logging in and out of your account will refresh your application and encourage the resolution of any errors that your application could be experiencing. This can force account privileges to be reevaluated and processed correctly if they were experiencing issues due to some internal error the application is experiencing.
Fix Two: Clear Cache
How you clear your TikTok cache will depend on the type of device that you are currently using to access the application. The list below will walk you through the process for popular mobile devices and web browsers that are most commonly used to access TikTok. If you are using Google Chrome to access TikTok, you will first need to click the three dots at the top right corner of your screen. This will bring up a menu where you can find the More Tools tab. In the More Tools tab, you will find the option to Clear Browsing Data. Click this option and choose the All-Time option. Finally check the Cached Images & Files box and click Clear Data. This will successfully clear your TikTok cache in Google Chrome. If you are using Firefox, you will first need to open the Firefox menu at the top of the screen. Navigate to the History tab and you will find the option to Clear Recent History. Click on Clear Recent History and approve the clearing of Everything and check the Cache box. Once this has been done click Clear Now and you will have successfully deleted your TikTok cache on Firefox. If you are using an Android device to access TikTok, you will need to open your device’s Settings menu and then open the Apps menu. In the Apps menu, you will see the TikTok application. Tap into the TikTok application menu and select Storage. In the Storage menu, you will find the option to clear all of your cache data related to the TikTok application. If you are on an iPhone, you simply need to delete the TikTok application from your device and reinstall it to successfully clear the cache. After you have successfully cleared your TikTok cache, the location issues that you are experiencing have a good chance of being automatically resolved. Keep in mind that these files will immediately begin to be replaced by new cache files. You should consider clearing your cache periodically as it begins to grow larger in size.
Does Account Not Found Mean Blocked?
Generally, the Account Not Found notification is a strong indicator that you have been blocked by another user on the TikTok application. Unless you can verify that the profile has been recently deleted, you can safely assume that you have been blocked by the user if you see the Account Not Found notification when viewing their profile.
How To Know If Someone Blocked You On TikTok
The next part of this guide will focus on the different ways that you can determine if someone has blocked you on the TikTok application. These methods can be used to easily verify one way or another if you have been blocked by a user on TikTok or if you are experiencing some type of application error. It can be frustrating to be blocked on the TikTok application but unfortunately, there is no way that you can bypass the restrictions placed once you have been blocked. You will not be able to call, text, or video chat with the user that has blocked you until they have unblocked you. Some of the common signs that you have been blocked are your messages not being replied to, your calls not going through, and generally failed connection issues. All of the signs will be covered in detail in the list below.
1. Search For Their Name Using Another Account
You should attempt to search for the user who you believe has blocked you using a different account. If you have been blocked on your other account, you will be able to search for the user on TikTok and see their username in the search bar.
2. Find Them In A Tagged Video
You can attempt to find their account in a tagged video. This will indicate that their account is still active on the TikTok application and the reason you are seeing the Account Not Found notification is because you have been blocked by the user.
3. They No Longer Appear In Your TikTok Friend List
If a user has blocked you on the TikTok application, then there is a possibility that they will be removed from your friend list in the application. This will only happen if you do not have their contact information saved directly to your phone’s contacts. Once you have been blocked by a user on the TikTok application, the app will automatically remove the user from your friend list on application so you can no longer contact them. If you notice that a user is no longer on your friend list and you are unable to contact them to find out why they have likely blocked you on the application.
Final Thoughts
This guide has provided you with all of the information you need to help accurately determine why you are seeing the Account Not Found notification on TikTok. When blocked by a user on TikTok, you will receive this notification and you will be unable to call, text, or video chat with that user until they have unblocked you. Blocking is a feature that is common with many social media applications and messaging apps. If you believe that you have been blocked by another user on TikTok, you should use this guide to help you accurately determine if this is correct. Using the information provided for you in this guide, you can always accurately recognize the signs that you have been blocked by another user on TikTok. It can be frustrating to find yourself blocked on the TikTok application. Unfortunately, if you have been blocked by a user on TikTok there is no way to bypass the restrictions placed on your account due to the blocking. You should attempt to reach out to the person who has blocked you on another messaging platform or in real life if you believe that you have been blocked incorrectly. That being said, you can only hope that the user unblocks you after some time if you find that you have been blocked by a user on the TikTok application. Use the signs in this guide to help you determine if this is the case for you and then take the steps to resolve your issue.