This can make it hard to locate one particular video that you or another user have commented on. This guide will cover all of the different ways that you can help narrow down your search. Comments on TikTok are generally publicly viewable as long as you are able to properly find the videos that they have commented on.
Can You See Someone’s Comments On TikTok?
You can very easily see someone’s comments they have made on TikTok. Any comments made on public posts and videos will be viewable by anyone on the TikTok application. As long as you can locate a video that someone has commented on, you will be able to view it appropriately To see a comment someone has made on TikTok, you merely need to find the video that they have commented on. If the person whose comment you are trying to view is someone you are friends with on the application, any comments they have made will be visible in the comment section of the video. This makes it easy to find a comment that someone on your friend’s list has made on a video on TikTok. You should use the methods in this guide to help your search for a comment someone has made. These methods can help narrow down your search and decrease the amount of time that it could possibly take to find the comment you are looking for.
How to See Someone’s Comments on TikTok
The next part of this guide will focus on the different ways that you can find a comment that someone has made on the TikTok application. Because of the nature of the TikTok app, it is likely that they have made many comments. This could make finding a particular comment they have made on the application difficult. This guide can help you narrow down your search methods to only the most efficient available. This will raise your chances of finding the specific comment that you are looking for and cut down the time it will take to do so. Tip: If you’re wondering how to find videos that you’ve commented on TikTok, there are a few ways you can do it.
1. Look Through Friend’s Account
If another friend of yours that is active on TikTok also commented on a video that you can view, you could check their account to see if you can locate the video. You can check your friend’s liked posts as well as their favorites list to see if you can locate the video that they have previously commented on. Keep in mind that some users have their liked posts and favorite lists set to private. This will keep you from being able to view the videos saved there. You can bypass this by meeting up with your friend in real life and looking through their account for the video and comment that you are searching for.
2. Look Through Comments On Videos On Your FYP
It is likely that you and the people that you are friends with on TikTok are being shown many of the same videos on the FYP. While the For You Page is filled up with videos that match a specific algorithm based on your viewing history, there are many videos that you can expect to cross over with other users’ FYP content. Any comments made by someone you are friends with on TikTok will appear at the top of the comment section. This will make it easy to identify any comments made by someone you are friends with on TikTok. While you cannot guarantee that you will find a comment someone has made on TikTok using this method, it can produce the desired results.
3. Look Through Accounts They Follow’s Posts
If you want to find comments that another user on TikTok has made, you should look through the accounts that they follow and see if they have made comments on any of their posts. This can be a good place to search for comments that someone has made on the TikTok application. It is likely that the user has engaged in some way with some of the accounts they follow. When you look through the accounts that someone on TikTok follows, you will see any comments made by people on your friend’s list at the top of the comment section. This will make it easy to determine if the user has commented on the video. While this method can be tedious, it is a sure way to find comments that people have made on videos posted by people that they follow on TikTok.
How To Find A Comment I Made On TikTok
The next part of this guide will focus on the different ways that you can find a comment that you have made on the TikTok application. Because of the nature of the TikTok app, it is likely that you have made many comments. This could make finding a particular comment you have made on the application difficult. This guide can help you narrow down your search methods to only the most efficient available. This will raise your chances of finding the specific comment that you are looking for and cut down the time it will take to do so. All of the methods in this list will help you find comments that you have made on the TikTok application. It can be frustrating to not be able to locate a comment that you have previously made on the TikTok application but this guide can help you with your search.
1. Look At Posts You’ve Liked
There is also the possibility that you have liked the video that you have commented on. If this is the case, you will be able to locate this video by browsing through your Liked Videos. There is no limit to the number of videos that you can like on TikTok, so this list can be quite extensive. That being said, if you believe that you also liked the video that you have commented on, this list is a more sure way to locate it. Unlike the Watch History list, your Liked Videos do not reset. You will always be able to reference your liked videos to find any previously liked videos. You could also look through your own posts if you are looking for a comment you made on one of your own videos. TikTok will not notify you of comments that you have made on your own video. You will have to search for comments made on your own videos manually by looking through each of your posts individually. You can narrow down your search by looking at the videos that have the most interaction with other users of the TikTok application. This can help you better determine the likelihood that you left the comment on that video in particular.
2. Try And Remember the Video You Left A Comment Under
The simplest way that you can locate a video that you have commented on TikTok is to simply remember the video. This can be difficult due to the number of videos that you may have potentially commented on while using the TikTok application. If you are in fact able to remember the video that you commented on, it should be relatively easy to find using the search function in the application. Keep in mind that if the video has been deleted, you will not be able to view it or any comments that you made on it. If you cannot remember the video that you have left the comment on, try and ask a friend if they can recall the video in question. If they are able to remember the specific video you are looking for that you may have commented on, this will help you locate it. An easy way to keep up with comments that you have made on the TikTok application is to simply like your own comments. You can like your comment by tapping on the heart icon next to the comment you have made. This will save the comment to your Liked section of your profile, where you will be able to locate it and view it in the future.
3. Check Your Notifications to See Replies or Likes to Comments You’ve Left on Other Accounts
If the comment you have left on a video received some interaction from other users like comments or likes, you can likely locate the video in question by checking your TikTok notifications. Your TikTok notifications keep up with all interactions between you and other users on the TikTok application. Any comment you made that received likes or replies will appear in your notifications, along with the video that you made the comment on. This is one of the fastest ways to find a video that you have commented on. Your TikTok notifications can be a great source of information regarding your past account activity.
4. Look Through Your Friend’s Accounts
If another friend of yours that is active on TikTok also commented on a video that you commented on, you could check their account to see if you can locate the video. You can check your friend’s liked posts as well as their favorites list to see if you can locate the video that you have previously commented on. Keep in mind that some users have their liked posts and favorite lists set to private. This will keep you from being able to view the videos saved there. You can bypass this by meeting up with your friend in real life and looking through their account for the video and comment that you are searching for.
5. Look Through Your Videos
There is also the possibility that you have liked the video that you have commented on. If this is the case, you will be able to locate this video by browsing through your Liked Videos. There is no limit to the number of videos that you can like on TikTok, so this list can be quite extensive. That being said, if you believe that you also liked the video that you have commented on, this list is a more sure way to locate it. Unlike the Watch History list, your Liked Videos do not reset. You will always be able to reference your liked videos to find any previously liked videos.
6. Look Through Your Watch History
TikTok has recently added a new feature that allows users to store up to 100 recently watched videos in their watch history. You can access the watch history from the For You Page in the TikTok application. Your watch history will contain the last 100 TikTok videos that you have watched in order from most recent to least recent. If you commented on a video within the last 100 videos you have watched, the video and your comment will be contained in the watch history until it is pushed out by other recently watched videos.
7. Download TikTok Data
One of the most concise ways to find a detailed history of the videos you have commented on is to request a copy of your user data from TikTok. You can do this by navigating to the Settings menu and entering the Privacy tab. Once you have entered the Privacy tab, click into the Personalize and Data menu. Inside the Personalize and Data menu, you will find the option to Download Your Data. Click this option and confirm your request. You will be able to download detailed information regarding your account activity and user settings. Next, you will need to select the format in which your information will be downloaded. The options available to you are TXT or JSON. A TXT, or standard text file, is the best format for the average user to use. JSON format data is only necessary if you are plugging the data into a separate program to be examined or manipulated. Once you have completed your request, it can take up to four days before you will receive a copy of your TikTok data. Once you receive it, you will be greeted with a vast compendium of different user data regarding your account. This data will include videos you have liked, comments you have made, and chats you have engaged in with other users. You can locate your comment history at the bottom of the TXT file. The easiest way to find a comment you have left from this point is to the copy the comment history into a Word document and search for the comment that you are looking for in the text. This will also detail the video that you have left the comment on. This is one of the easiest ways to get extremely detailed information regarding your TikTok account as well as past comments you have made on videos that you cannot find.
Final Thoughts
This guide has broken down the many ways that you can find a video that you have commented on TikTok. Finding a video you have commented on TikTok can be more complicated than it seems. Many users might have thousands of videos that they have commented on, so finding one, in particular, could be difficult. This guide can help ensure that you can accurately and precisely find a video that you have commented on. You can also use the detailed troubleshooting methods in this guide to help resolve any issues that you might be experiencing while using the TikTok application. Bugs, glitches, and other software issues could cause you to be unable to properly locate a video you have previously commented on. These errors could also keep you from properly accessing your notifications or liked and favorited videos. This can make it difficult to find a video that you have commented on. It is important to avoid these issues so that you can ensure that your TikTok application is always working properly. Using the information provided in this guide, you can troubleshoot any issues you might encounter while searching for a video you have commented on TikTok. You should utilize your profile watch history, liked videos, and other account activities to find the videos that you or someone you know may have potentially commented on. The methods listed in this guide can help narrow down your search methods to only the most efficient. This can help cut down on the amount of time and work you will have to do to find a comment that you or someone else has made on the TikTok application.