When you comment on someone’s post, they’re notified through the notifications platform that you commented as well as what you commented. If you were wondering if Instagram will tell people if you delete your comment on your post them you’ve come to the right place. The comments feature is also present on the Facebook app. What if you delete your comment on someone’s post, or if someone else deletes a comment on your post, will they be notified?
If You Delete a Comment on Instagram Can Others Still See It
On Instagram, you can delete your comment on anyone’s post and others won’t be able to see it. The same goes for someone deleting a comment on your post. While deleting your comment on someones post won’t notify them, if the notification of your comment is recent and you’ve deleted it, they can notice that the notification of your comment is gone so this can indicate to them that you’ve deleted your comment. Even if they can’t see the original notification of your comment, if they remember that you commented and they look back on your Instagram posts, they’ll be able to see that your comment is gone so they will know that you’ve deleted it. Anyone on Instagram can delete a comment off your posts and you will not be notified.
Does Instagram Notify When You Delete a Comment
When you delete someone’s comment, Instagram doesn’t tell them that you deleted their comment. There is no notification that they’re given by Instagram to notify them that someone has just deleted their comment. Because of the privacy aspect, Instagram wouldn’t allow people to know when someone just deleted their comment. This would cause too many problems within the community and people won’t feel comfortable deleting other people’s comments if they know that Instagram will tell that person. As soon as you delete their comment, they’ll have no clue it happened. With that being said, If you delete someone’s comment after recently posting your picture, there’s a good chance that they’re going to know you’ve done so as they might check your post again. If you are going to delete someone’s comment, make sure you do it for a while after.
Instagram Deleting Comments Notifications?
If you’ve been wondering if there are certain ways that someone could tell you’ve deleted your comment on their post, there is none. Instagram has a notifications section that provides its users with notifications when a certain action has been taken on their Instagram account. Instagram doesn’t provide its users with notifications when it comes to anyone deleting a comment on their post so you can’t see who deleted their comment on your post neither can someone else see if you deleted your comment from their post.
Will Someone Know If You Deleted Their Comment on Instagram
On Instagram, you can delete someone’s comment on either your or their post and they won’t know that you’ve done so. The same goes for someone deleting your comment under your post or their post. While deleting someone’s comment under your post or your comment from their post, they won’t be notified. If you’ve commented and deleted it, the notification of the initial comment you made will be deleted. This means if they notice the motivation has gone then they could suspect that you’ve deleted your comment. Even if they can’t see the original notification of your comment, if they remember that they commented and they look back on your Instagram posts to check the post or the comment they made, they’ll know that you deleted their comment.
If The Notification Disappears
When you comment on someone’s post, there’s a notification. When someone comments under your post, there’s a notification. If you chose to delete your comment under their post or you want to delete their comment under your post, the notification on their isntagarm will disappear and if they notifice this, they’ll know that you deleted your comment or their comment.
If Someone Tells Them
The strongest way that someone can know you deleted their comment is if someone tells them. When someone tells them and even shows them that their comment has been deleted from your post, there’s no denying that you delete it because there’s evidence. The only way that someone would be able to tell someone else that you deleted their comment is if they saw their comment before you deleted it and then couldn’t see it anymore but everyone else’s comment is still there. Or, they just thought that it’d be funny to tell the person that you deleted their comment. This is most likely to happen if the person that told them closely stalks your Instagram posts and knows when people comment. From here, they’ll know when you delete peoples
How to Make Sure They Can’t Find Out You Deleted Their Comment
If you want to make sure that no one knows that you deleted your comment under their post or their comment under your post, you need to take a few precaustions so they’re not notified in anyway.
Do It After A While
If you’ve posted something and they’ve commented, don’t delete it right away. Same with if you’ve just commented on their post. Give it a few days or even weeks. The longer you leave it, the less likey they are to check the comment. This means that if you delete the comment after a while, the chances they’ll look back at the comment and check it again is very unlikely.
Make Sure You Didn’t Like The Comment Before As When You Delete The Notification Will Disappear
If they’ve commented on your post and you think that you’ll delete it at some point, don’t like it. If you like it, when you delete it, the notification of you liking it might leave them suspicious so it’s best not to do it in the first place. If you do think you’ll delete someone’s comment, don’t like it.
Restrict Them
If you don’t want someone to like comment on your post, then you can restrict them. Well, rather than them not being able to comment, when they comment, people won’t be able to see their comment unless you approve it.
Can You Delete Instagram Comments?
Instagram allows you to delete Instagram comments without others knowing so there’s no risk associated with doing it. If you want to delete one of your comments from someone’s post, Instagram allows you to do this. Once you’ve deleted your comment, the person post you commented on won’t be able to see it ever again.
How to Delete Your Comment On Someone’s Instagram Post
We’ve all been there. You’ve commented on someone’s Instagram post that you thought was good, but then, after a few minutes, you hurry back to erase it. In your mind, you’re hoping that they didn’t see the comment notification so that you can delete it just in time. Thankfully, deleting your own comment on Instagram is quite easy. Here’s how to do it:
How to Delete Someone’s Comment on Your Instagram Post